Friday, June 1, 2007

The Groove Newsletter- June 2007

The Groove

Digital Scrapbooking Inspiration - June 2007

In the Groove

June is here, and summer is on its way. But before vacations and beaches and sunscreen, our thoughts turn to fathers, grandfathers, and all the special men in our lives as we celebrate Father’s Day! Be sure to enter our brand new layout contest, called “Dear Dad”. Read below for more details.

Don’t forget to check out this month’s incredible freebies, a mini-kit designed by the amazing Julia Corley, one of our very own Scrapbook MAX! Booster Pack Store designers! See below for more info!

Musings on Fathers

There is no job more important than raising a child! Whether you are a dad, or simply have a dad, you can appreciate the tremendous job of fatherhood.

Dads are supportive, trustworthy, and let’s face it – they have the biggest soft spot for their children. They have a quiet way of showing concern, pride, and love. They may not always say it with words, but their actions speak volumes. Can’t you just see the soccer fields lined with proud, encouraging dads? And even though we try their patience, they teach us to drive, catch a ball, fish, survive in the wilderness, do algebra, and how to behave on a first date.

When we’re children, dads seem to know everything; they can fix any toy, and tend to give honest, serious answers to our most pressing questions. Dads teach us the art of balancing hard work with “goofing off” and having fun. On the one hand, they’re famous for dispensing words of wisdom: “eat your vegetables,” “blood is thicker than water,” “you can achieve anything if you just work hard enough.” But dads also have warm laughs, enjoy silly movies, and playing with kids’ toys. Three cheers and a big hug to all of our dads around the world!

Digital Scrapbooking Tips

Groovy Tip #1: For step-by-step scrapping instructions and handy tips, go to Help > Scrapbook MAX! User’s Guide or

Groovy Tip #2: Apply an old-fashioned feel to your photos and embellishments. After selecting the object, choose Effects > Sepia.

Scrapper Profile

Meet the fabulous Deanne Gowsmith, a.k.a. Moonbeam, who we know and love for her talent, creativity, and generosity in our forums, and for her dazzling creations in the Scrapbook MAX! Booster Pack Store!

Q - If we asked your friends to describe you, what would they say?
Mmmm ! I don't think you could print it! Seriously though, I feel so secure and loved with my friends I know they would think of something positive to say. They look for the good in me.

Q- How did you get involved with digital scrapbooking?
A- I had never even seen a scrapbook album until my daughter showed me her first one early this year (2006). I was awed at how you can turn ordinary photos into a work of art. I had to try it - in my internet search for scrapbook stores, I came across Scrapbook MAX! and I discovered digital scrapping. And the rest is history.

Q- Besides scrapbooking, what do you do for fun?
A- I love to laugh so I adore times with people who make me laugh. To me a fun time is when I have the stitch from laughing and tears rolling down my face. There is not enough laughter in the world today- I couldn't face this world without humour.

Q- Who are the most special people in your life. Why?
A- My husband. I think he is my biggest blessing. When we met I was a shy insecure emotional wreck. His love and support and faith in me turned me into a confident, outgoing, extremely happy person. He helped me find the real me, buried under years of abuse and control. He is the wind beneath my wings.

Q- Where do you find inspiration for your layouts?

A- I love to look for design in everything - nature, buildings, clothing. Whatever I look at, I see colour combinations or an arrangement that appeals to me. Even in a newspaper or magazine I see word art and ideas for layouts. I just work with ideas that present themselves from many places.

Q- Do you have a signature color scheme or type of embellishment that you love to use?
A- No, I don't think so. I love variety but maybe I do lean towards favouring dusky rose pink and florals - that is my favourite.

Q- If you could be a celebrity for one day, who would you be and why?

A- No-one. Although I wouldn't mind looking like some of them, I truly have NEVER wanted to be a celebrity. "Celebrities" are just humans like all of us. They're celebrities because they are good at something. They have a God-given talent - I'd rather give Him the credit. I like the privacy that being Mrs. Average Citizen gives you and celebs never have that!

Check out some of Deanne's favorite layouts:

**Interested in being one of The Groove’s profiled scrappers? Write to us at for details.**

Here Comes Scrapbook MAX! Wedding Edition

June is the month of fathers…but it’s also the month of weddings galore! Consider giving Scrapbook MAX! Wedding Edition as a wedding or shower gift to the bride or newlyweds in your life! At only $39.95, Scrapbook MAX! Wedding Edition makes a unique gift that will help the special couple preserve their memories for years to come.

This exciting new edition of Scrapbook MAX! includes Scrapbook MAX! digital scrapbooking software and a wedding-themed content pack bursting with gorgeous elements, perfect for weddings and romantic occasions! Plus, with 30 new scrapbook templates (150 pre-made pages) and 20+ new kits, Scrapbook MAX! Wedding Edition is a terrific way for users of the “Classic Edition” to expand their digital content collection!

Click here to view the thousands of elements that we’ve included. You’ll find a whole range of styles, colors, textures, and themes to capture the magic of your special celebration!

Buy Scrapbook MAX! Wedding Edition Today!


Buy the “Classic Edition” and Wedding Edition
together, and save $10.95!

Speaking of Weddings... Please sign OUR Guestbook!

Do you love scrapping with Scrapbook MAX!? We’d love to hear your comments, and visitors to our site find your opinions invaluable!

Please sign our
guestbook today -Your comment may even be used in our newsletter, marketing material and advertising!

The Groove’s Monthly Freebie

A sure cure for the blues – gorgeous blue embellishments! Our “very own” Julia Corley, a talented designer from the Scrapbook MAX! Booster Pack Store, has generously shared some dazzling elements from her Midnight Blue collection (check out a screenshot of the lovely goodies below!).

Click here to get your Freebies!

Love Julia’s mini-kit? Get the complete kit for only $3.50!

Creative Genius

High School “Not-So-Confidential!”

Preserve those high school memories with Scrapbook MAX!. Maybe you’re a teacher wishing to create a tribute to the graduating class. Maybe you’re a high school student wanting to produce a slideshow that includes pictures of your friends, teachers, school activities, and other memorable moments. If you’re a proud parent, show off your son or daughter’s accomplishments by scanning and compiling favorite school projects and pictures. While you’re at it, why not send Scrapbook MAX! graduation announcements to your friends and family!

Layout Contest: "Dear Dad"

They take us fishing. They teach us to throw a ball. They patiently lead us back on the right path when we stray. This month’s contest challenges you to make a “hats off to dad” page. Maybe you want to showcase his sense of humor, or show off his special talent, or focus on that picture that somehow captures his fatherly love and pride for his children. Start thinking about dad, and send us your favorite tribute page!

To enter, publish your layout as a JPEG image using the 'High Quality' and 'Web/Email' options, and upload it to the contest page in the Scrapbook MAX! gallery. All entries will be available for viewing. Contest closes Monday, June 25, 2007, Midnight (CST). ** Note: You must be a registered member of the Scrapbook MAX! forums to enter this contest. To register for free, click here.

Contest Winners: "I Love You, Mom!" (May 2007)

1st Place Winner!

“The Best Was Yet To Come”

1st Place Winner “Meechie” chose subdued tones and an understated design – the result is a powerful, gorgeous “motherhood” layout. We just love it – congratulations!


Memories-R-Us paired a beautiful photo, perfectly coordinated colors, and a statement that “says it all” for her winning layout, “Motherhood”. Christina R.’s (Lima, Ohio) lovely vintage layout, “My Mother”, paid tribute to her mother through a touching retrospective display of photographs.

Congrats to all participants!


Ready, Set, Action! Kids are constantly on the move! Make your page reflect their liveliness by laying out a series of photos from the same event or activity. The effect is kind of like a “flip book” where the images on the page seem to run, jump, twirl and spin! Special thanks to Kristy C. for her action-packed gymnastics layouts!

Spring Show: “Bars” and “Floor Routine”
by Kristy C., Rockford, MI

You can’t “overdo” the overlay! Make a patterned paper scrap very transparent and place it over the entire page. This transparent cover will add a slight tint of color, and a brushed, textured look to your page.

Have a Lois Lane complex? Put it to use by contributing to The Groove! We’re always looking for fresh ideas to make The Groove fun and exciting – just like our readers! Tips, musings, inspirations, ingenious scrapbook ideas - if you’ve got ‘em, we’d love to read ‘em! Email The Groove your bright ideas today!

Next month:

The Groove celebrates “Whimsy”! Plus - look for June’s “Dear Dad!” contest winners!