Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Groove Newsletter - September 2007

The Groove

Digital Scrapbooking Inspiration - September 2007

In The Groove

“The Great Outdoors” is this month’s “Groove-y” theme. So take a moment and step away from the computer (come on - you can do it!), and take in the beauty around you. Maybe it’s an elegant cluster of trees, a stunning sunset, or a favorite fishin’ hole that inspires you - the Great Outdoors has an endless supply of layout inspirations!

As for your favorite Groove feature, our monthly freebie, wonderfully talented and popular Scrapbook MAX! Booster Pack Store designer Deanne Gow-Smith is sharing embellishments from her Sunflower Citrus template! Read below for more details. We’ve also got an outdoors-y layout contest, with a challenging design twist (below).

The Great Outdoors!

Summer may be coming to an end in some parts of the world, and in others it’s just beginning! Of course, no matter what the season, there’s always something to enjoy about the Great Outdoors: a shimmering lake on a hot summer day, the golden tones of autumn, a winter wonderland, the first buds of spring…Take a look at your outdoor photos and make a layout celebrating your moments in the sun (or rain, or snow!). To get inspired, check out the fantastic outdoors-y layouts below!

“Gone Fishing” – by Kim B., Port Elizabeth, South Africa; “Pool” – by Maureen K., Alsip, USA

Digital Scrapbooking Tips

Groovy Tip #1: Is there a special feature that you’d love to see in Scrapbook MAX!?Let us know about it in our Suggestions forum! Our developers regularly evaluate your suggestions in planning software updates and upgrades.

Groovy Tip #2: Remember to use the handy “layering” buttons found in your toolbar (Bring To Front, Bring Forward, Send Backward, Send To Back) to stack and arrange photos, paper scraps and embellishments in just the right order!

Scrapper Profile

Meet Irene Varner, a.k.a. Eye, a generous and creative presence in our Scrapbook MAX! Online Community. Check out some of her signature layouts, too!

Q- Tell us one thing about yourself that others are often surprised to learn.
A- That I am human-----Not! Just kidding. I guess they all know me too well so I cannot surprise them one bit.

Q- What got you interested in digital scrapbooking?
A- I was looking for a program that would be simple and with which I could design and print 12 x 12 pages. Found Scrapbook MAX! on a night that I could not sleep and tried the free trial. I was hooked in less then 3 days.

Q- Where do you get your layout ideas?
A-Layout ideas come to me very quickly. As most can see, I like to frame layouts as it brings them to life---like a tear to the soul. I try to make every layout different. I love to use unusual stuff as I like to be different.

Q- Tell us about your favorite feature of Scrapbook MAX!.
A- Scrapbook MAX! is one big Favorite Feature to me. It is such a perfect program.

Q- What tip would you share with a newbie to Scrapbook MAX!?
A- The tip I would share is never be afraid to be adventurous with colors. A lot are afraid and stick to neutral colors. Use the colors and please try framing faces, etc. You can never go wrong.

Q- What is the subject of the scrapbook that you are working on right now?
A- Right now I am working on making some more freebies for all to have. I love to give. By the way I never need credit. Once I give it is now yours to do with whatever you want.

Q- Heard any good (clean) jokes lately? Please share!
A- Not much for jokes. Never like them as I feel I laugh enough in my life!

Check out some of Irene's favorite layouts!

A Collaborative Labor of Love

“Speaking Of Rosie” is a HUGE Digital Scrapbooking MEGAKIT to benefit Rosie Pittman. Fifteen (yes, that’s 15!!) designers have come together to bring you over 500 elements plus 3 complete Scrapbook MAX! template sets. By purchasing this HUGE kit, you will be supporting Rosie Pittman, a delightful 4 year old girl who brings joy to everyone she meets. Rosie has the disorders known as Autism and Apraxia. Simply stated, this means that at this point in time, Rosie is unable to communicate as most children her age can. She primarily communicates by using American Sign Language. Although she knows many signs, she has a very limited speech vocabulary. She has made great gains through speech therapy and through the diligence of her mother’s teaching. Your purchase will be raising money that will go directly to her speech therapy - 100% of the proceeds from your purchase will go directly to Rosie’s mother, Chelle, for the purpose of defraying the cost of her (very costly) speech therapy sessions. CLICK HERE for kit previews!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can buy the individual components OR purchase the entire kit at over 70% off! If you load up your cart with ALL of the items in Rosie's Kit, you will get the whole thing for ONLY $13.44! Simply add ALL of the items to your cart and then type in the coupon code "ROSIE" at checkout to receive the MASSIVE discount!

The Groove’s Monthly Freebie

Celebrate the sunshine with some lovely Sunflower Citrus embellishments by Scrapbook MAX! Booster Pack Store designer Deanne Gow-Smith!

Click here to get your Freebies!

Love Deanne’s mini-kit? Get the complete kit for only $5.00!

Creative Genius

Digital Greeting Cards!

Wish a friend happy birthday, cheer up a pal in need, or send your holiday greetings with Scrapbook MAX!. That’s right – you can use Scrapbook MAX! to design totally original, completely personalized greeting cards for friends and family! Then, share your creations digitally through email or on the web, or print them out to mail or attach to gifts.

We’ve noticed plenty of layouts expressing well-wishes and greetings among our online community members in our own gallery – what a great way to stay in touch and show you care. (Why not follow Marion’s example (above, right) and make a digital scrapbook card for a friend! )

Contest: "The Great Outdoors"

We’re looking for layouts that celebrate The Great Outdoors! So hunt through your pictures of all your great adventures camping, at the beach, in the garden, or wherever the sun (or moon!) is shining! But here’s the twist: you have to include three different nature-themed embellishments (for example: a leaf, a stone, and a seashell) in your layout!

Three winning layouts will be published in the next issue of The Groove: 1st prize is a $20 gift certificate to the Scrapbook MAX! Booster Pack Store! 2 runners up will each receive an official Scrapbook MAX! mousepad.

To enter, publish your layout as a JPEG image using the 'High Quality' and 'Web/Email' options, and upload it to the contest page in the Scrapbook MAX! gallery. All entries will be available for viewing. Contest closes Thursday, September 27, 2007, 5:00pm (CST). ** Note: You must be a registered member of the Scrapbook MAX! forums to enter this contest. To register for free, click here.

“Friends Are Like Rainbows” Contest Winners

“When It Rains”
By Tina S.
Salt Lake City, UT

For her captivating colors and touching story, Tina S. earns 1st Place in our “Friends” contest - Lovely!

Congratulations to our Runners-up!

Friends Are Like Rainbows," by Evelyn I. Peebles, Scotland


My Friends,” by Kim B., Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Evelyn I. dazzled us with a bold band of color, a stunning rainbow photo, and group of friendly faces. We also loved Kim B.’s fresh take on rainbow colors by mixing them beautifully with neutrals - and of course, love those friend pics!


Size surprise! Besides the popular 8 x 8 format, Scrapbook MAX! gives you the option to create layouts in different sizes (e.g., 12 x 12, Letter, Letter Tall, Custom, etc.) Just choose Page> Settings and click on Size, then choose the page size you prefer to work with. This feature is especially convenient if you are printing out your pages and need to fit a particular album size. Check out pages presented in a couple of different sizes below!

“Pick-A-Boo ” By Lindie K., East Sussex, U.K.


“Colorful Playtime” By Marnie W., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Groove Wants YOU!

Have a Lois Lane complex? Put it to use by contributing to The Groove! We’re always looking for fresh ideas to make The Groove fun and exciting – just like our readers! Tips, musings, inspirations, ingenious scrapbook ideas - if you’ve got ‘em, we’d love to read ‘em! Email The Groove your bright ideas - Contact us at today!

Next Month in The Groove

The Groove celebrates “’Sports” Plus - look for September’s “The Great Outdoors” contest winners!